You have all minimum hardware requirement and you are ready to install PANDORA ZERO. The process can be splitted in two main step. The first step will consist to have a Kali Linux installed and up to date and the second, will consist to run the install script and do basic admin tasks. So, the process isn't difficult but it's long, very long. You will able to complete the installation in many party time


1 - Pre requis

To install PANDORA ZERO, you will need :

The lastest ARM Kali Linux image.
A Program to write the image in your MicroSD. This program can be win32diskimager or BalenaEtcher.
A computer/laptop running Windows OS
A computer/laptop with microSD slot or an USB MicroSD adapater
A SSH client installed in your Windows
A archive manager like 7-Zip to decompress the Linux Kali image
A DHCP service running in your LAN
Be very patient.

We have to write the Kali Linux image in your microSD, plug it in your Pi Zero, plug your Pi Zero in your network, start it and connected it with SSH.

Firstly, download the Kali Linux ARM image from the official website :

Select the image for "Raspeberry Pi Zero 2 W" and click on the download button to start the download.
You downloaded a compressed archive with .xz extentions. Decompress it by using your favorite archive manager

Once decompressed, you will obtain the image with .img extention. After, download win32diskimager or BalenaEtcher.
To dowload win32diskimager, click the link bellow :

To dowload BalenaEtcher, click the link bellow :

Install your prefered software, and you will ready for the next step

2 - Kali Linux Installation

Now, it's write time. Insert the microSD directly to the computer if there is a microSD slot or use a microSD/USB adapter. Once inserted, you will see a new storage device as usual.

2.1 - Image writing with Balena

Launch balena if you installed it...

Let on "Flash for file", press the + button and select the Kali image

Click on "Select target" ...

Select your micro SD card and click on the button "Select 1". In the above screenshot, the E:\ drive was attribued to our micro SD but it can be different with your setup.

Then click on "Flash" button to start the process

2.2 - Image writing with win32diskimager

Launch win32diskimager if you installed it...

Select your Kali image and check your are in the right drive

Then click on "Write" button and confirm the action to start the process...

Once finished, you can unmount and unplug your USB adapter or directly unmount your MicroSD. Get your MicroSD card and plug it into your PI0 2W.

2.3 - Power up and first connexion

Your MicroSD card is well inserted in the slot. Now plug your Pi Zero 2 in your network. You will use the USB Ethernet Adapter as we seen before. Once connected, plus the power cable to fire up your pocket station.

Now, you have to discover the attribued IP by your DHCP server. Connect via the admin panel or SSH to your box/router/VM (depend where is your DHCP server) and retirve the IP. After this, you have all the necessary for the next step.

At the first time, your new Kali can take some minutes to appeart. After, the system will ready in around 40 secondes.
You wiil find the default credential bellow to etablish your first ssh connexion :

Kali Linux default login : kali
Kali Linux default password : kali

Owning all required informations, let's connect

Yeah, we are connected. We do the most difficult part of our installation process.

2.4 - Basic configuration

After out first connexion, we will do some basics action. Get root privileges and remove all default SSH keys :
$ sudo su -
# rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
# dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server

Change the default root password : ???????????????????? et le compte kali ???????????????????
# passwd
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Modify your Timezone :
# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Update your Kali :
# apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade

Updating the system may take some time, around 1 hour. Once updated, reboot the system :
# reboot

After around 40 seconds, the system will back online. A this stage, we reached the half of installation process.

3 - PANDORA ZERO Installation

Connect back in our fresh Kali Linux and continue the installation...

3.1 - Installing dependencies

Get root privilege and download the list of dependencies :
$ sudo su -
# wget

Run the following command to install the needed dependencies. This may take some time, around 30/40 minutes :
# apt-get -y install $(cat pandora-zero-latest-deps.list)
Reading state information... Done
build-essential is already the newest version (12.8).
build-essential set to manually installed.
g++ is already the newest version (4:9.2.1-3.1).
g++ set to manually installed.
git is already the newest version (1:2.26.2-1).
unzip is already the newest version (6.0-25).
unzip set to manually installed.

If you are asked to active a tool at boot, answer no. Once all dependencies are installed, reboot the system :
# reboot

That's it. We are ready to install PANDORA ZERO. Here we go...

3.2 - Auto deploy script

We will use the auto installer script to deploy PANDORA ZERO. This script will do the following tasks :

Do some bascis checks
Download the lastest PANDORA ZERO archive
Clone some Git projets
Compile some sources code
Copy some configuration file
Setup a Wifi Access Point to administration
Setup IP over Bluetooth to administration
Setup a Apache Server
Modify some system settings

Connect back in Kali, get root privilege and download the script :
$ sudo su -
# wget

Add the executable flag :
# chmod +x

This is the last long step. It may take some time, around 1 hour. Execute the script :
# ./

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██║     ██║  ██║██║ ╚████║██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║██║  ██║    ███████╗███████╗██║  ██║╚██████╔╝
╚═╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝    ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ 
                               E V O L U T I O N    P R O C E S S                             
|>| Checking if we are r00t                                                              [ OK ]
|>| Checking if we are on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Rev 1.0                                  [ OK ]
|>| Checking if we are on Kali                                                           [ OK ]
|>| Checking for previous installation                                                   [ OK ]
|>| Downloading deps list                                                                [ OK ]
|+| Checking dependencies
--> cmake                                                                                [ OK ]
--> g++                                                                                  [ OK ]
--> build-essential                                                                      [ OK ]
--> automake                                                                             [ OK ]
. . .
. . .
. . .
--> rtl-sdr                                                                              [ OK ]
--> kalibrate-rtl                                                                        [ OK ]
. . .
. . .
. . .
|>| Cleanning                                                                            [ OK ]
                   E V O L U T I O N    P R O C E S S    T E R M I N A T E D
| |
|+|  Sending Reboot command

Broadcast message from root@kali-raspberry-pi-zero-w on pts/1 (Sat 2023-04-22 01:18:53 CEST):

The system will reboot now!

The system will reboot once the installation is completed.
Congragulation ! You are near the end ... just a little work again.

3.3 - First connexion

With the PANDORA ZERO's addresse IP, you can open your browser using the right url presented after. Just change with your IP. Note also the TCP port number. PANDORA ZERO listen on TCP port 31415 (This the Pi number, approximately equal to 3.14159)

The default credentials are :

PANDORA ZERO default login : commander
PANDORA ZERO default password : PandoraZer0

3.4 - Basic configuration

Firstly, change the default credentials.
You can do in Administration section -> PANDORA ZERO -> CREDENTIALS

After, change the WPA password used in your Admin Wifi AP.
Go in Administration section -> PANDORA ZERO -> ADMIN ACCESS -> WIFI CONFIG

You can also change the SSID. By default, as you see, it's "PZero".

3.5 - Connect with IPoverBluetooth

3.6 - Connect with wifi

4 - Conclustion

As you seen, the installation is not difficult, it's just long. The most difficulty part is to collect all the required hardware.

Now it's time to have fun with your new pockect hacking station ^^. You can consult the user manul to be speedly familiary with the PANDORA ZERO.